Here's your chance to earn NEST for free, help us find TG groups and Youtube channels that share futures or promote exchanges fo

26 Dec 2022, 03:13
🔥Here's your chance to earn NEST for free, help us find TG groups and Youtube channels that share futures or promote exchanges for a long time to get rewards, like this: What you need to do is 1. provide useful clues and send them to the BD group (we will check if the clues are useful) What is a useful clue 1. the clue must have both TG group and Youtube 2. must be related to futures or promote the exchange in the long term 3. the TG group must have a certain level of activity 4. Airdrops, signals, chat and news content alone do not qualify You will get 1. 🎁10 NEST/useful clues, (20 NEST for Turkey and Indonesia region) 2. 🎁35 useful clues for the week and you will be rewarded with an additional 200 NEST How to join 👉Send the clue TG group link + Youtube link + your address together to BD group: